The Ocean In Your Mind is a German non-profit organization that stands up for people with mental illness.
We give platform to the issue of Mental Health and share stories of people affected. We make help reachable and educate about mental diseases.
We dream of a world where people are free to show their vulnerability. We give a voice to hope and fight together against suicide and for mental health.
Feel free to translate and read through stories on our website or support our work in Germany on the „Spenden“ page.
If you are looking for more resources on the topic, we would like to refer you to our friends below:
Hilfe gesucht?
In Deutschland leiden 4,1 Millionen Menschen an einer Depression.
Jährlich sterben in Deutschland 10.000 Menschen durch Selbstmord.
Wenn du unter Depression oder Suizidgedanken leidest musst du dich nicht schämen.
Du bist nicht alleine in dieser Welt und nicht allein mit Depression und Suizidgedanken.
Das ist nicht das Ende deines Lebens, deine Geschichte geht weiter.